KSC Services: Organizational & Capacity Assessment
As one of our six core services supporting our clients, KSC has conducted numerous Organizational & Capacity Assessments for Montessori schools over the past 13 years to assess a school’s readiness and capacity for growth, be it programming, leadership, facilities, pedagogy or philosophy driven: or, of course, more typically, some combination of the above.
An Assessment is timed to provide essential insight and guidance as a school enters a transitional period of operational / institutional growth—whether by strategic intent or due to pressing internal forces—as part of a new stage of its organizational development. Much like our students, faculties, and parents, schools are also developing organisms passing through various stages of maturation. As such, facing an operational inflection point, this is an optimal time for a check-up on a school’s health and well-being to ensure its readiness and capacity to stimulate and support ongoing mission-bound growth.
What is an Organizational & Capacity Assessment?
An opportunity to assess day-to-day and overarching procedures, structures, and policies.
A holistic snapshot of a school’s functionality vs. its operational potential—put another way, a window into its current vs. desired reality.
A proactive, structural, and strategic driver in developing a dynamic plan for growth.
A key step toward fostering institutional stability and delineating a path to sustainability.
A measurement of a school’s alignment with its mission.
A time of intense collaboration, listening, and processing of what is shared and learned.
A north star to institutional maturity.
Tapping into the collective voices of a school community is a powerful and essential learning tool. Thus, the Assessment’s ultimate intent is to stimulate healthy and ongoing community awareness, reflection, and dialogue around every aspect of what makes your school unique and how best to address its needs and cultivate solutions. In the end, KSC provides constructive and motivating feedback, actionable recommendations, and forums to process and activate the findings.